Tsubasa Manga Shopping Guide
Welcome to my shopping guide for the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga. This page will contantly be updated with the latest release information and images available. For your sanity (and to save you scrolling for infinity) I've listed the page with the most recent and future releases at the top.
As you can see, for each volume I've added the cover image and a link to the volume at Amazon.com to make it easier for you to obtain a copy. If the volume hasn't been released yet, you should see the release date and a link to Amazon.com so you can pre order it. Pre ordering from Amazon.com is something I've been doing for the last few years now. Not only do they give you a 20% discount (sometimes more!) off of the cover price but they sometimes send your order a few days before the street release date which means you can read it before anyone else!
Something else worth mentioning is the "Read My Review" links next to some manga volumes. When I have the time I write reviews on the manga series and they're well worth a read if you're a casual reader or want a quick, spoiler free impression of the volume.
I'm actually finding myself using this page to keep track of my Tsubasa shopping. I hope you find it as useful as well. Enjoy!
P.S. If you're after xxxHolic manga, try my xxxHolic Manga Shopping Guide.
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