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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Tokyo Revelations: The Princess' Dream

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Kurogane is ready to attack Syaoran over the fact that he was involved in the murder of his mother. Suddenly Yuko's voice commands him to stop. Kurogane looks up to see the projection of Yuko coming from Mokona's gem. Yuko tells him that this Syaoran was being held captive by the people that murdered his mother and that he wasn't involved and doesn't know the location of where he was being held. Kurogane tells her that he wants her to explain. Everything.

Moments later after Faye and Sakura have been moved upstairs Kurogane is told that there's nothing that can be done for Faye. His eye was gauged out and he's going into shock and sure to die soon. Mokona summons Yuko again and begs her to do something for Faye.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Faye suddenly whispers for them to let him die as while his alive the Syaoran that took his right eye will have massive magical powers but if he dies the magic will vanish. Kurogane punches the wall and tells him that he won't die. Yuko then tells them that if she were to save his life the price would be too great however she does know of another way.

One of the vampires, Subaru then steps forward and greats Yuko who he has met before and in fact was the one who gave him and Kamui the ability to traverse dimensions. He asks her for water to fill up the reservoir beneath the Tokyo Government Building that was completely emptied when Syaoran came to this world. Yuko then tells Kurogane to ask Subaru for the water and in exchange Subaru can use his blood to turn Faye into a vampire which would heal him.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Yuko also tells Kurogane that Faye is then his responsibility and that he must become his "E" (prey) by mixing his blood with Subaru's. Kurogane agrees. Kamui however says that he won't let anyone else have Subaru's blood and volunteers to give blood instead. He then cuts his own wrist and Kurogane's and spills his blood onto Kurogane's wrist mixing the blood which then falsl into Faye's gasping mouth.

Faye begins to convulse. Subaru tells Kurogane to hold him down as the transformation can be painful. Kurogane yells at Syaoran to take the princess, Sakura out of the room. Everyone begins to leave when suddenly they're told the people from The Tower have appeared in front of the building.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations As they get to the entrance they're confronted by Fuma who tells them that all the water they had under The Tower has been used up and that they wish to move all of their people into the Tokyo Metropolitan Building in exchange for handing over their feather that they had at The Tower. Mokona is surprised and tells everyone that he had no idea there was another feather in this world and that he still can's sense it. Kamui asks them how they know that they're feather is gone and Fuma gestures to Arashi and mentions that they have a person on their side who can predict unnatural disasters.

Mokona begins to tell them all that they can't bargain over the feather as it belongs to Sakura and that they all went on this long journey to collect them. Sakura and Syaoran then appear behind them. Sakura tells them to first wait on the feather issue until later.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Once inside Yuko sends them circular jars full of water which expel massive, almost unlimited volume of water into the reservoir. Yuko tells them that the water in the jars is pure and imbued with the power of nature yet if it is contaminated in any way it cannot be cleansed.

Kamui then mentions how there is no magic in the world and hence no reason to make technology to hide it. Fuma then admits that he brought it to this world with him when he came from another. This surprises everyone. He then reveals that he knows all about Kamui and Subaru and the fact that Seishiro is after them as he is in fact Seishiro's little brother! Kamui moves to attack him but Fuma tells them that Seishiro has not yet come to this country and that they should first deal with the issue of the water. He turns to Yuko whom he seems very familiar with and tells her to continue.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Yuko begins to explain what the cost of the water is but is interrupted by Syaoran who in turn is stopped by Sakura who offers to pay the price and asks to be filled in on what happened while she was sleeping.

Later on Sakura is outside as Fuma explains to her how to use the hover bike and compass he has given her. Mokona begs Yuko not to let Sakura go as this world is dangerous and full of acid water and monsters. Yuko explains that that is the reason that Sakura must go alone on this mission.

Sakura then walks over to Syaoran and apologises to him for telling him to stop while he was fighting Syaoran and that he deserves rest now and that it should be her that leaves now. Kurogane tells her that he knows she won't change her mind and wishes her luck and let's her know that they'll all be waiting for her return.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Sakura then sets out on her mission. As she begins to get deeper into the city she's attacked by several massive mutant worms. She manages to dodge them all but is then smashed into a building by a huge green mutant. As she pulls herself out of the wreckage the mutant barges into the building. Sakura tries to move but realises that one of her legs is caught under the hover bike! Seeing no alternative she pulls out her gun and fires it several times, killing the monster.

Back in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Faye wakes up and says "Good morning, Kurogane" to Kurogane which surprises him as this is the first time he has said his name. Kurogane then walks away. Faye then walks up to Mokona who was talking to Yuko. Yuko asks Mokona to go to sleep while keeping the transmission running as she wants to talk only to Faye.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Faye explains to her that while he initially called Kurogane nicknames as a joke he didn't realise that it would bring the two of them closer to each other and tells Yuko that he won't let that happen again. Yuko tells him that no matter what he does his pain will be his friends' pain. Faye then asks where Sakura is and Yuko mentions that she's outside.

Meanwhile Sakura is climbing a cliff to get to her destination when the edge she was standing on gives way sending her falling. She manages to grab onto a branch but that snaps and she falls further and lands on a jagged rock that completely skewers her ankle.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations She keeps going though and makes her way to a cave with a large pond with a glowing rock formation in it's centre. Suddenly a giant double-headed snake mutant appears and attacks her. Sakura aims and empties her gun into both of the heads, blowing out the brains of one of them. In shock she stumbles into the pond to reach the glowing formation and is instantly severely burned by the acidic water. She pushes on however and reaches the rocks on which a glowing egg sits. She picks it up and thinks about how for all the bad things she will have to do in the future she will surely have something bad happen to herself however she doesn't care as she also now wants to find Syaoran's heart.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Back in Tokyo Faye confronts Kurogane and Syaoran and demands to know why they let Sakura go by herself. Syaoran then tells him that if he goes to help her he would hurt her more than if she failed. Faye calms down and looks at Syaoran and tells him that he really is like the other one afterall.

Sakura meanwhile has made her way out of the cave with the egg and collapses. She stands up and checks on the egg which is fine. She then looks at the compass which has been broken. Looking at the way she came she decides to follow her foot prints and blood. Staggering and limping she manages to make her way back into the city but then finds that her foot prints stop in the middle of nowhere and that she has no idea where to go.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Unknown to her a small yet familiar figure is watching her from afar. The figure then reveals herself to Sakura at a distance. The small girl silently beckons Sakura to follow her and runs away.

Much later on back at the building, Mokona spots Sakura on the horizon and yells out her name. They all rush to her as she collapses. Faye holds her. Sakura apologises to him for being unable to help him when he was in so much pain and lets him know that she's glad he's alive. Faye begins to cry.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Once they're back inside and Mokona has sent the egg to Yuko, Yuko begins to explain how Faye Wong Reed wants the ability to cross dimensions and needs two things; the ruins in the land of Clow and Sakura's memories of all the worlds she's been to. Mokona tells Yuko that Sakura was asleep at the beginning of their journey and that she can't remember things she was asleep for. Yuko explains that what Faye Wong Reed wants isn't the memories of her heart but those of her body.

Yuko then mentions that Faye Wong Reed murdered Kurogane's mother and destroyed his land to get him to serve under Princes Tomoyo who would eventually send him on the journey with Sakura. Kurogane interjects and says that it was his choice to serve Tomoyo. Yuko tells him that Tomoyo knew that it was his choice which is why she still sent him despite the fact she was aware of Faye Wong Reed's plans.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Yuko goes on to describe how Faye Wong Reed created a copy of Syaoran with the sole purpose of tracking down the feathers and that Faye was manipulated in a similar way to Kurogane but that he is already aware of this.

Sakura says that despite all this she still wants to continue her journey and also get Syaoran back. Mokona says that it also wants to keep going. Faye offers his services for his new princess and Kurogane also says that he will continue to travel with them.

Yuko asks Syaoran what he wants to do and he says that he has something to protect now and will also go with them.

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations Later on down in the reservoir Sakura thanks everyone and says that she's sure of her decision... to leave her feather in this world until they return for it when the people of this world have found a way to protect the water without it's help.

Sakura slowly walks up to the edge and drops her feather into the water's depths. She then turns to Mokona who immediately begins to take them to the next world.

As they're leaving, Sakura gets a flash of the little girl who helped her and wonders if it was a dream, or an illusion or maybe...?

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations

My Original Impression

Monday 17th March 2007

Wow... just... wow! I just got home and threw in my new Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations 3 DVD and man did that rock or what! Not only was that one of the best episodes of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle but one of the best anime movies or episodes I've ever seen!!!

The animation quality was simply stunning, easily surpassing that of the previous two volumes and even the Tsubasa Movie. I was simply in awe at where the story was going, what was happening to the characters and wanting MORE!!! Production I.G. better keep going with these OAVs! If this is the final one I'll be very disappointed!!!

I'd mentioned before that Sakura's Japanese voice actress always seems to act better when working with Production I.G. and I'm proved right again. Not only was Sakura not annoying in this episode I actually found myself rooting for her! Those who were bitching about Sakura doing nothing but sleep and be cute (that includes me!) will be thrilled with what happens in this episode! Sakura puts her racing skills to the test, takes down some massive huge arse mutants and is that blood and bodily mutilation happening? I won't say any more but those who have given up on the anime definitely need to check this OAV out!

Speaking of the anime it's really funny how while I was watching the OAV the anime began to make more and more sense in a similar way to how the Harry Potter books work. At the beginning of the series the storylines and characters border on childish but then halfway through bam blood and violence and revelations left and right!

Those who have watched both seasons of the Tsubasa anime before watching Tokyo Revelations definitely will feel more impact from the scenes shown here.

The highlight of Tokyo Revelations 3 though is something I never expected, the sudden appearance of a character from a very famous CLAMP anime series that was such a thrill to see (I literally said out loud "Oh my God!") and so well presented it was as if the character stepped right out of their own series. I can't wait to see what this character has to do with the storyline.

Something else that stood out was the inclusion of a new song which made me wonder if there's going to be another Tsubasa soundtrack release in the future. Time will tell I guess.

Today's Crossovers

Coming Soon

<-- The Boy's Right Eye -- Tokyo Revelations Main -- Closing Credits -->

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