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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Episode #51

The Frozen Soul

As Sakura enjoys an awkward dinner with her kidnapper, Syaoran and the gang promise each other to rescue Sakura and head to Keefer and Charme's house to begin preparations. It is there that they see a mural on the house's walls of the giant bird that they had battled before. Charme tells them that it is believed that this bird created this world and that Chaos is thought to have inherited it's powers.

Due to Syaoran's sword being broken in the previous episode, Kurogane, after much thought has entrusted his blade, Souhi to him while his blade gets repaired by some blacksmiths that Kurogane and Fay found offscreen.

As Kurogane takes Syaoran outside to train him in the use of Souhi, Fay and Mokona decide to investigate Chaos' palace. Keefer and Charme tell them that they have no idea why Chaos is doing what he's doing but they still have faith in their king.

When Fay and Mokona get to the palace they find that it is heavily guarded by a large group of winged soldiers. Suddenly though, they all fly away! Mokona tales this opportunity and runs towards the gates. Fay yells for him to stop but runs after him.

In the palace, Chaos has given Sakura one more feather in an attempt to persuade her to travel with him. Just as she passes out though Chaos is called away to an urgent matter, the palace is under attack by Fay Wing Reed's soldiers!

Chaos quickly disposes of the soldiers and tells his comander that it seems someone else is after Sakura. Unknown to him, Xing Huo is watching and reports the situation back to Fay Wong Reed who calmly says that he has a plan already set into motion.

Meanwhile, Sakura is dreaming of her newly aquired memory and is shocked to find that it's another one of Chaos! In it she's running after him and telling him that she loves him and promises to travel with him one day. Suddenly though it occurs to her how strange this is as when she was a child she loved her brother and father so much and wouldn't want to leave them. She realises that this may not be her memory and turns around to find her whole world in flux. Her mind shatters under the stress.

Mokona and Fay find her at that moment as all the feathers that Chaos had given her are expelled from her body. She wakes up and tells Fay and Mokona and they all come to the conclusion that those memories were fabricated by Chaos to get Sakura to come with him. She didn't know him in her past at all!

Suddenly, Chaos enters. Sakura tells him that she knows what he tried to do and thinks that he's a coward. Seeing this, Chaos tells Fay and Mokona to tell Syaoran that he will fight him for Sakura's freedom.

The next day, Sayoran, Kurogane, Fay and Mokona all watch the sun rise. Syaoran whispers for Sakura to wait for him.
In the palace, Chaos tells Sakura that he will beat Syaoran no matter what.

As everyone enters the stadium, the fight begins. Chaos races towards Syaoran with sword drawn. Syaoran defends himself though seems unable to get the upper hand. Mokona says that Syaoran is losing but Kurogane tells him that he's studying Chaos' moves. Soon enough, Syaoran fights back and manages to kick Chaos in the side and even throw his magical thunder attack back at him though he is still unable to defeat him.

Suddenly Chaos realises that Sakura is screaming for Syaoran to do his best and that Syaoran is fighting for her. Accepting that he may not get Sakura even if he beats Syaoran, he teleports to Sakura's side and encases her in a magical block of ice, freezing both her body and soul and transforms into his true form, the giant bird from legend whose wings are made out of Sakura's feathers.

Once more, Syaoran asks Sakura to wait for him and promises that he will save her.

My Original Impression

No net access when it aired! Ah!

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None today. :(

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