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Syaoran and Sakura in the Anime & Manga, Tsubasa Reservoir ChronicleSyaoran and Sakura in the Anime & Manga, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Episode #47

Working Sakura

This anime exclusive storyline kicks off rather quickly with the gang arriving in an industrial city in the middle of winter and almost immediately finding the feather in a nearby antique shop window. The name of the shop? Clover.

When they enter to enquire about the feather they encounter none other than Oruha who owns the shop and explains that she had found that feather three years ago in a tree. She then decided to make it the centrepiece in the broach they saw in the window.

The ask Oruha how much it is only to find out that it's priced at a heafty, 100,000 Yuels, Yuels being this country's currency. Fay explains that they're not from this country and don't know much about the currency here. He asks how much a cup of coffee would be worth and is shocked to find that a cup of coffee would be around 350 Yuels. That broach with the feather is expensive!
Kurogane demands to know why it costs so much if she just found the feather in a tree. Oruha explains that the gems around the feather on the broach are quite expensive plus there's labour and time to be taken into account.
Syaoran announces that they'll all get jobs to raise money to buy they feather and begs Oruha not to seel it to anyone else. Oruha, seeing how much they want it says that she'll hold it for three days.

As they leave, they discuss what to do. First up they need to find a hotel to stay in as they can't sleep outside due to the cold. Fay builds several knick knack items influence by their previous adventures and sells them to a thrift shop run be Eri along with Oruha and Oruha. He makes enought money for them to find a very nice room. Actually it looks five stars! Not the best thing to rent when trying to save money!
Anyway, Eri tells them that the best place to find a job would be the employment centre. The boys tell Sakura and Mokona to stay in the hotel room as the city is dangerous and go out to get jobs.... and fail.

While the Tsubasa boys are trying to prove that a woman's place is in the home, back at the hotel the hijitsu that has surrounded the feather the gang got in the previous world has worn off! The feather floats into Skaura and she recalls a memory of a time she went undercover with her brother and Yukito in the Country of Clow but revealed herself to a store owner by giving her an apple she had dropped. Sakura asks the womanfor a favour but Sakura wakes up and can't recall what that favour was.
Inspired by the most inane plashback ever, Sakura and Mokona decide to go out and prove to the boys that they can take care of themselves by getting a job. They go to the job centre and due to her experiences at the Cat Cafe in Outo, Sakura gets a job working at a portable restaurant, funnily enough run by her brother and Yukito.
Sakura impresses everyone with her smily face and ability to take and deliver orders. She even bonds with Toya and Yukito but just as everything's going so well the truck's engine explodes and they have to suspend operations forcing Toya to fire Sakura.

Out in the snow, Syaoran, Kurogane and Fay decide that since they can't find any job they have to try their last option... which is a secret.

Sakura and Mokona meanwhile have gotten job working for the buff X guy and Masayoshi driving a lift. As soon as they start it though they lose control and crash, losing their jobs in the process. They go back to the job centre for another go but are told there's only one job left; being a waitress in a seedy bar downtown.

It must be a small universe because the bar is run by Caldina who's very friendly towards Sakura and tells her not to worry about how the cliental look. Sakura soo finds out that they're all rather friendly and everyone on hand has a happy time. Their laughing is interrupte unfortunately by the entrance of that obese gangster from the Hanshin Republic who tries to force Caldina to sell her bar (apparently he'd tried before). Caldina refuses and the gangsters, angry at another refusal begin to attack Sakura! Luckily before a punch can land, Syaoran, Kurogane and Fay appear out of nowhere and quickly send the gangsters running. They all explain that they're the bar's security.

Caldina thanks them for scaring them away and moves to pay them but then takes back their money to pay for the damage they had done in their quick fight. She does however give all this money to Sakura for a night's job well done.

They all quickly go back to Clover and buy the broach from Oruha who asks Sakura if working for the money had been fun. Mokona says that she had been through Hell in the last few days. Sakura however smiles and says that in retrospect she had loved the experience.

At the hotel, Sakura tries the broach on, Syaoran tells her (with a little encouragement from Fay) that it looks good on her and then the feather automatically removes itself from the broach and floats into her body.

Sakura recalls how she had asked the woman in the previous flashback if she could help her sell apples. The woman had agreed and Sakura had had a great time selling apples to her people. Yukito comments on how a princess who loves her people will be loved by her people. Toya agrees.

My Original Impression

Sunday, October 01 2006

While this episode had a lot of crossover characters, all the characters had been seen in the series before. The story itself was cliched and just a bit unbelievable. The feather is Sakura's in the first place. Why didn't they just take it and jump to the next world? They risk their lives for some feathers but they refuse to steal one?

There was a funny crash with Sakura and Mokona though.

Next week (Episode 48: Feather King Chaos) is another anime only story which might be a sequel to the movie (the rainbow coloured bird is back). This episode actually looks pretty interesting. Should be good.

After next week are 4 remaining episodes The Warped Wish, Friendship of Determination, The Frozen Soul and the last episode title hasn't been released yet. Will these four episode feature the X/1999 arc? Here's hoping but there has been no proof that that arc will be covered this season and that arc is still running in the manga in Japan.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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List coming soon.

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