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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Episode #48

The King of Feathers, Chaos

It's coming. Something with amazing, god-like powers. A giant bird slowly flies between dimensions, it's destination a mystery. Fei Wang Reed has detected it's presence as has Yuko, the Dimensional Witch. Yuko laments on how every so often an individual comes along with a wish and the powers to make even the impossible happen.
As the giant being flies in the space time vortex, something shiny falls from it's wings; one of Sakura's feathers.

On the next world, the gang materialises... in mid air! Straight away they all start to fall towards the ground which hundreds of metres beneath them. Mokona fakes being scared though Kurogane, angry with Mokona for another awkward landing tells him that he can fly and flicks him a distance away. Fay refuses to use his magic once more and Sakura and Syaoran are scared for each other's lives.

As they fall faster and faster and the ground grows ever larger and larger, suddenly a bright blue glow surrounds them, slows their decent and they all float gently to safety.

Mokona does know what happened and Fay says he didn't use his magic. Noone knows what the light was or where it came from.
Just as they start to discuss what to do, two people they've met in a previous world, Keefer and Charme ride past in a kart and they immediately ask them for a ride to the closest city.

On the way there Keefer and Charme both welcome the gang to their country and explain the concept of Senriki. Apparently there are numerous levels and everyone, including visitors, in the country have this power. Syaoran puts two and two together and concludes that that blue light from before must have been their newly aquired Senriki power. Keefer and Charme are both suprised by this as the ability to fly belongs to those with Heavenly Senriki power and for them to get that level right off the bat after entering their country, they must be very special indeed!

When they get to the city which is a marvelous blend of traditional Asian culture and metropolitan European culture two winged royal guards approach them by air. Keefer and Charme tell them not to worry because they are also Heavenly Senriki and serve the king, Chaos who is a God Senriki (the highest level) and apparently very kind and loved by all. The guards tell them that the king is aware that they are travelling to different worlds after Sakura's feathers and that he would like to meet with them. Sakura is suprised and asks them how the king knew her name. They tell her that the king has the ability to see the future.
They all agree to meet with the king and fly with the guards to the palace, saying goodbye to Keefer and Charme.

When they get to the king's hall they are suprised to see that only the two guards are there. Suddenly in a flash of light the king, Chaos appears and reveals to them a fan made out of lots of Sakura's feathers! Syaoran begs him to give the feathers to him and suprisingly the king agrees but only if they all tell him stories of the numerous worlds that they've travelled to. They of course agree and later that evening at dinner they all take turns telling him stories about their adventures.
Fay comments to Kurogane on what a nice guy the king is but Kurogane has his suspicions and tell shim to be on guard. Chaos hears this talk from across the large table (due to his god-like powers) and announces that to end this suspicion he will give Sakura back her feathers right now. And he does! Immediately the numerous feathers that he had been holding in his fan absorb into Sakura one after the other. Sakura passes out from the experience and they all decide to call it a night.

As they put her to bed, Mokona's open wide as he recieves a message from Yuko. Instantly his red gem glows and Yuko appears before them ala Mokona-hologram. Turns out she's still after the White Day chocolates that she says she deserves after giving them their Valentines Day chocolate cakes so long ago. They of course don't have anything for her. Mokona tells her that Chaos gave Sakura all of the feathers he had. Yuko acknowledges this but in a way that suggests she knew this would happen and there's more to their situation than meets the eye. She tells them that everything has an ending and that bad events come from bad actions and that good outcomes come from good actions. She tells them to remember this the next time they are faced with a crisis. Syaoran senses that this is meant for him.

The next morning, Chaos tells the guys (Sakura is still sleeping off the feathers) that the feathers on his fan had been collected from a giant bird and that this bird has also been causing a lot of trouble for the country. If they were to defeat it, they could keep all of the feathers that it has somehow collected. Syaoran, Fay and Kurogane all agree and prepare to leave. As they're about to go, the guards tell them that a lot of demons live in the region where the bird lives.
Almost immediately after reaching the region they spot the bird and notice that it is literally covered in Sakura's feathers. When they move closer however, it turns on them and knocks them all to the ground.

Back at the palace, Sakura is dreaming of one of the memories she has just gotten back. In it she's young and running for her life from a giant desert worm. Out of nowhere a stranger slices it in half and then reveals himself to be... Chaos!

In her sleep, Sakura whispers, "Who are you?".

My Original Impression

Had no net access during this time. Sorry!

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Coming soon.

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