Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Episode #35
Two Memories
Ashura and Yasha stare at each other completely oblivious to the confused onlooker who are obviously missing something. Everyone has stopped fighting.
Back on the ground, Sakura begins to glow a bright pink while she sleeps and begins to see a vision of Ashura and Yasha fighting on the sky palace. Ashura strikes firmly at Yasha and slices his right eye, blinding him.
Time moves forward and it is now night at Ashura's castle. Ashura is alone but is suddeny confronted by Yasha even though they can apparently only meet on the sky palace. Ashura, upon closer inspection suddenly realises how he can be here (though she doesn't say) and they both kiss. All of a sudden a bright light fills the sky and one of Sakura's feathers falls from the heavens.
Back in the present, the phase of the moon is over and both armies are returned to where they came from. Syaoran is obviously hurt from his fight with Kurogane. The next morning Sakura notices this and places her hand on where it hurts. Mokona also does this. This scene is corny as Hell. It's as if Sakura, not even trying to use real powers, thinks touching someone's sore will remove the pain. And then Mokona copies her as if it's such a great idea. Bleh, corny, sorry. But I'll forgive this corny scene as the next one is very cool.
The bad guys are furious. Apparently when Mokona moved the gang from Shara to Shura they were moved out of range from the bad guys who had been tracking them and also controlling which worlds that they were going to.
They realise that Yuko, the Dimensional Witch was behind this sudden change and that they have a plan to deal with her. They also discuss how the second Syaoran's "debut" will happen sooner than expected due to the present situation.
As Fay Wong says this, our Syaoran recieves a sudden pain in his eye and grabs it. Sakura, who is still with him, kisses his eye much to the suprise of everyone including herself! Mokona suggests that it may be her body's memory at work even though her mind's memory is missing.
Later, Syaoran goes out with Kumaraten to search the villages for Kurogane and Fay in case the ones on the moon really aren't the ones they know. Sakura and Mokona meanwhile chat with Ashura besides a pool. During their conversation Ashura seems to think that Syaoran is more than he seems though she doesn't finish through with what she was going to say and suggests that Sakura and Mokona have a bath.
After they leave, Ashura turns and talks to Yuko who's image had appeared in the pool next to her. She check's that Yuko got her payment, the "elixer of eternal youth" (more than just wine!) that Mokona sent her. She had and says that if Ashura had not made a wish, she would not have been able to force Mokona to transport everyone to this world due to certain supernatural rules. She also says that now because they have been moved, Fay Wong can no longer watch them or control where they are going.
Yuko also states that the price of Ashura's real wish would have been to high for her to pay. Ashura thinks about this.
Meanwhile, while searching with Kumaraten, Syaoran's right eye starts to hurt again and suddenly gets a vision of himself reflected infinte times in a mirror. Elsewhere, the second Syaoran stirs in his tube.
That night, Ashura plans to go to the sky palace without her army. It appears she has decided something. Kumaraten begs to go with her and she agrees. Syaoran also goes with her.
When they arrive, they find Yasha with Kurogane and Fay again. Kurogane attacks Syaoran who manages to block the first strike. Suddenly, the other Syaoran, still in his tube moves his arms and begins to control our Syaoran!
Syaoran, under the control of the other Syaoran manages to fight Kurogane quite well. While this has been happening, Ashura has begun to walk calmly towards Yasha. Suddenly she leaps into the air, draws her sword and plunges it into Yasha's chest. They hold each other in a tight embrace as his body begins to disolve into the night air with a bright white light and much to the suprise of everyone, out of his body, rises one of Sakura's feathers.
My Original Impression
Monday, June 26, 2006
Loved this episode! Great animation, lots of Yuko and a pissed off Fay Wang Reed and a nice visual of Clow Reed! The story moved along very nicely and looks like it's wrapping up next week.
I especially liked how the other Syaoran's arc is going. Such a suprise to see him controlling our Syaoran in the manga and still suprising to see in the anime. Just worked really well.
No complaints at all about 35. Keep it up Bee Train!
Today's Crossovers
Ashura: Straight from CLAMP's first manga series, RG Vega, Ashura (not to be confused with Ahura Ou) makes her Tsubasa Chronicle debut right here!
Yasha: Also from RG Vega comes Yasha. Great to see some more characters from CLAMP's first series.
Kumaraten: Another RG Vega rocks on by! Quite a large role too but not as interesting as the two main guys above.
Yuko: xxxHolic's Dimensional Witch does some long distance calling to chat with her gal pal Ashura about pressies, interdimensional politics and boys. Crosses over with xxxHolic #22 7 #23
Clow: The know-it-all sorcerer from Card Captor Sakura returns via a hologram in Fay Wong's lair.
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