Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Episode #42
Beyond Nostalgia
Sakura and Syaoran, in the company of Mokona, Kurogane and Fay have returned to the Country of Clow... or have they? While the country looks the same as the one they remember, it seems a bit strange. Mokona says that they can't be in the Country of Clow as he never moved them there. They also quickly notice that there are no people anywhere in the city suggesting that what they're seeing is some kind of magical illusion.
They decide to explore the city and eventually come across Syaoran's house. Sakura recognises it straight away though doesn't recall Syaoran ever having lived there at all. She does however remember his father, Fujitaka. Syaoran decides not to tell her this is his house, though Fay figures it out and comments on what a nice house it is (outside of Sakura's hearing range of course).
While looking about his house, Syaoran is shocked to find that the photo of himself and his father no longer features him in it! It's like he has been completely removed.
Fay starts to think that this whole "Country of Clow" has been created from Sakura's memories and asks Syaoran if he could take them to a place that was special to Sakura.
Syaoran leads them to the lookout where he and Sakura talked way back in Episode 1 when Sakura was about to tell Syaoran that she loved him before they were interupted by the palace gong. Sakura remembers this place and that she was going to tell someone something here, but can't remember who or what it was she was going to say.
Fay finds an apple and tells Kurogane and Syaoran that this proves his theory that Sakura's feather, influenced by her memories had made this place because the places that are special to Sakura are highly detailed. They visit the royal palace to further explore this possibility.
Syaoran wonders where the feather could be. Fay says that it will most likely be in a place that was mysterious to Sakura in her past. Syaoran immediately thinks of the ruins in the desert so they set off at once.
During the walk through the desert, Kurogane confronts Fay about his magical knowledge and demands to know more about him. He says that to understand the power of one thing, you must have a power great than it. Fay says that he has raised a very good point but doesn't elaborate.
Syaoran, meanwhile thinks back to the last time he was here and the country was under attack by those people from another dimension when suddenly it hits him; the person who killed Kurogane's mother bore the same mark as the people who had invaded the Country of Clow. He tells Kurogane this and is shocked when Kurogane tells him that he had already worked it out when they had battled those people in the Season One finale (which is why he stayed behind to fight them while Syaoran went on with Sakura to make the wish).
They arrive at the ruins and begin exploring it's numerous tunnels. They come across a sundial styled clock which Syaoran remembers but Sakura has no recollection of it at all.
Eventually they come to the giant chamber where, in Episode 1 Sakura has activated the ruins, the floor had opened up before the chain of events was set into motion that caused her to lose her memories/feathers.
Suddenly the floor begins to glow a bright pink as it had done before, and begins to open. They all gave down into the darkness and eventually, Syaoran and Kurogane decide to dive into it to find Sakura's feather.
Instead of falling, they float slowly to the ground and see a glowing book with Sakura's feather in it. They're prevented from getting it however by the appearance of one of the giant winged lion statues that had recently come to life as part of the library's security. It attacks them immediately with fire and giant razor sharp feather darts both of which they manage to dodge.
Kurogane moves in to attack it but Syaoran yells for him to stop as he doesn't want to hurt it because it's just doing it's job. The lion doesn't care much for him however and knocks Syaoran out with one blow.
Kurogane is shocked then, when Syaoran immediately stands up and ferociously attacks the giant lion, easily knocking it out with a few kicks. This isn't the Syaoran Kurogane knows and he immediately realises this and asks him who he is. Syaoran doesn't listen, picks up the book and smashes the cover to remove the feather and casually throws the book aside, staring at the feather in his hands.
Suddenly they're teleported back to the entrance of the hole next to Fay, Sakura and Mokona. As soon as Sakura yells out Syaoran's name, he reverts back to his normal self and returns the feather to Sakura, giving Sakura the memory of the time her and Syaoran had been talking in the ruins and Syaoran had always been worried about the time and kept looking at the clock they had seen previously.
Having got the feather, Mokona begins to transport them all to the next work but is electrocuted! They all start to run to the exit but when they get there they find the whole building has been surrounded by an ocean of acid!
Much to the suprise of everyone, Fay casts a magic spell by blowing a whistle which creates a magical shield around them all, just as armies of magical security close in. Fay tells Mokona to try one more time. Mokona does so successfully and they all teleport out of there to the next world.
As they reapear they all breath a sign of relief. Syaoran takes a look around to see which world they have appeared in but is horrified to see the sky filled with flying trains, stars and planets. They didn't move to the next world at all! They're still in LeCourt!
My Original Impression
Saturday, August 26 2006
I have to say this episode was one of the best ones yet of this season! It's starts off with the gang following the last episode cliffhanger of visiting the land of Clow and continues the suprises with TWO new songs, Syaoran and Kurogane actually discussion several plot points, Sakura getting a feather back, Fay seeing no choice but to use his magic and does so in a visual and casual way that made me wonder just how powerful he is, several flashbacks to the first episode (which I actually liked!) and Syaoran being possessed by the evil Syaoran again but with Kurogane watching and realising what was happening to him!
And just when I thought the episode couldn't wow me any more, it turns out Mokona was unable to teleport them to another world!!!
A great cliffhanger, a great episode. Can't wait for next week!!!
Today's Crossovers
Fujitaka Sakura's father returns as Syaoran's father in a photo where Syaoran never existed because of Sakura's bad memory.
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