Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Episode #30
The Sad Miracle
This episode is a rather special one as it shows the first time the gang return to a previously visited world. In this case it's the anime only world they visited in the season one finale, Episode 26.
We start off with the gang arriving in the world via Mokona. They land in a peaceful location surrounded by grass and flowers. Faye even refers to it as "Heaven". All is not as it seems though as they are being watched by Fei Wang Reed and his assistant who discuss how they directed Mokona to this world, one that Syaoran, etc have been to before!
Meanwhile, Sakura starts to tell Syaoran about a memory the last feather gave her. It is one when she was a young girl and Syaoran gave her a "sand bunny" that he found while working on a site. She loves it. Apparently it's the first pet she's ever had. Tragically, as with most of her memories, she can not recall Syaoran or anything he says in it.
Kurogane comments to Faye that Syaoran should stop encouraging Sakura to recall memories as she'll pass out every time she remembers him. Faye sees nothing wrong with Sakura and Syaoran talking.
Sakura walks up to them and asks Mokona (who had been sitting with them) if she can speak to the "Dimensional Witch" (she doesn't call her Yuko). Mokona opens up a communication hologram and Sakura tells Yuko that while in Piffle, Tomoyo taught her how to make clothes and that she made Yuko an outfit as a White Day present. Mokona sucks it inside himself and transports it to Yuko on the other side.
Having the opportunity, Syaoran asks Yuko about Kyle, the man they saw travel to another dimension in the last episode. Yuko explains that she isn't the only person who can traverse dimensions and that there are many others who have the ability.
Suddenly, Mokona senses a feather and they all race off to find it. They don't have to run far as the feather is just around the corner, sealed within a spike shaped rock. Syaoran slices it with his sword but the stone doesn't break. Suddenly it starts to shake and out of the ground rises a giant dragon! The rock was actually a horn on it's nose!
Before they can do anything, several men run past them and try to capture the dragon. One of them is this world's version of Sorata. The dragon beats them and shocks Sorata to the ground. Sakura helps him up and is suprised to find that he recognises her. He asks if she has returned to help them but she has no idea what he's talking about until Faye notices a structure in the distance, a fallen palace that looks just like the one they saw in Episode 26. They all start to realise that they've been here before.
Later, Sorata explains that after reviving all the dead villagers last time, the god spoke to them again and claimed that at the next new moon all the revived people would disapear.
They agree that if they help the villagers, they can keep the feather when they finish.
In the middle of the night, Syaoran finds Sakura sitting by herself above the village. She says that she feels like she did something wrong last time they were here. Below them, Sorata and Arashi (who is also in this world) are talking. Arashi seems rather depressed but Sorata promises that he will stay alive for her so they can become a happy family with three children. He hugs her. Sakura looks at the moon, in it's last phase.
The next day, all the men including Kurogane, Faye and Syaoran track down the dragon, restrain it and Syaoran swings in it's direction from a cliff, powers up his sword and slices the horn of the dragon's head. The dragon flies away and Syaoran now has the feather.
The villiagers take the feather (still in the horn) to the god and Sakura prays for the god to keep the people alive. The god however rejects her prayer and explains that death no matter which world you're in is final and that the first miracle was only temporary.
The horn cracks and the feather floats towards Sakura and into her chest. Sakura recalls a memory of when her bunny died and what her father, Clow Reed told her while she was crying, that death is the natural order of things and that everyone dies eventually and that instead of crying she should remember the lesson that her bunny had taught her.
On the night of the new moon everyone has gathered in the villiage to say their goodbyes. Kurogane and Faye watch on from a cliff above the villiage while Syaoran and Sakura appologises to the old woman they spoke to the last time they were here but she is happy that she could see so many of her grandchildren again. They then go to talk to Sorata and Arashi. Arashi reveals to Sorata that she will also disapear as she died trying to get to the palace to pray for him to return to her. Sorata is both happy and sad at hearing this news. At least they will be together.
Suddenly several of the villagers start to glow and disapear. Mokona tells Sorata and Arashi that they will meet again. Sorata replies that yes they will. "Some way. Some how."
Everyone watches in wonder and sadness as the dead villagers disapear, this time forever.
Fei Wang Reed, who had been observing the whole event states that the end result is exactly what they had predicted though he seems obviously frustrated that he was right.
My Original Impression
Saturday, May 30, 2006
I was really impressed with this episode! It featured an anime only world and was a kind of sequel to Episode 26 (the first season finale). The story was very well done, showing us the realities of death, we saw some real Clow Reed moments and Yuko appeared again and looked just like she does in the xxxHolic series! Great character design this week!
I couldn't really find anything that wrong with this episode. Because it was a one episode arc the pace was fast and it flowed wonderfully!
Next week is ANOTHER anime-only world! Bring it on, I say!
Today's Crossovers
Note: Yukito and Seishiro appear in this episode via flashbacks to previous episodes though won't be listed below as their appearances were references to previous episodes and not this one. Basically, characters that appear in recycled footage won't be listed in the crossovers.
Yuko: xxxHolic's Yuko appears again and gets a (long overdue) gift from Sakura and offers up some info for Syaoran on dimensional travel (but not too much). ;)
Clow Reed: The famous sorceror appears via flashback as Sakura's father in the land of Clow. Of course he originally appeared in CLAMP's Card Captor Sakura series with the occasional reference in xxxHolic.
Sorata: Basically a Tsubasa Chronicle supporting cast member now, X/1999's Sorata returns once more for an important cameo!
Arashi: X/1999's Arashi also drops by with her hubbie in this episode.
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