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Season 2 Closing

Kazemachi Jet

As if to complement the second season's higher energy level, the new closing credits changed a great deal from season one's almost monocromatic Loop video by going in almost the complete opposite direction with super bright colours, more characters and worlds, plus the energetic new song, Kazemachi Jet to which the viewer is given brief glimpses of all the main characters' pasts.

While the new opening, IT'S featured several characters fighting reflections of themselves (and Sakura running away with herself) Kazemachi Jet shows us Sakura and Saoran each observing a memory of their respective pasts possibly trying to comfort, help or simply experience once more their former selves.

Strangely enough, none of Kurogane, Faye or Mokona's memories feature ghostly forms of their present selves in frame. What this means is anyone's guess and is left up to the viewer to decide.

Faye's memory seems to have been created completely by the animation studio as his past in the manga hasn't been explored in depth as of yet. Kurogane's on the other hand is from the manga and his history is explored incredibly well in the tragic Episode 40 (one of my favourites).
Mokona's is rather strange as we see him sleeping on a woman's lap (most likely Yuko's) with a ginger cat next to him. It's just such a strange thing as the most obvious choice would be to show him sleeping with Larg, the black Mokona which has even been shown in Tsubasa Chronicles already (in Episode 2).

My guess, and it is just my guess, is that that shot did originally feature the two Mokona's but for some reason, maybe due to the first season of the xxxHolic anime which premiered 4 weeks before the second season of Tsubasa started, they decided to edit the image and just replace Larg with something else, in this case a cat. Again, this is just speculation.

All the memories are tied together via Sakura who is hovering in the ruins in the Land of Clow with her wings aglow ala the very first episode. It's a very clever idea as the show is basically Sakura getting her memories back, but here she seems to be viewing her own plus the memories of her friends.

Kazemachi Jet was sung by the incredible Maya Sakamoto who not only sung Loop, but many many more anime opening and closing themes in her career. The song was released as a CD single on the 14th of June 2006 which included the full and karaoke versions. The tv sized edit was released on the 5th of July as one of many songs on the third Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape 3 album.

The song is truly a fun listen due to it's fast tempo, positive lyrics and the inspired use of bagpipes, something I'm not sure has ever been done in jpop before, let alone on an anime soundtrack.

Kazemachi Jet was shown at the end of every episode of the second season of Tsubasa Chronicle.

The CD can be purchased from YesAsia via this link or from the menu on the right.

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