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Syaoran and Sakura in the Anime & Manga, Tsubasa Reservoir ChronicleSyaoran and Sakura in the Anime & Manga, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

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Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity

Tokyo Revelations Opening


Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity

Being the Japanese voice of Sakura, Yui Makino has already sung several songs for the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle anime series as well as the ending theme for the movie, Amurita. This time around she sings a very fast paced song, synchronicity (officially all lower-case) for the opening of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Tokyo Revelations. It's a very different Yui than what we've heard in the past but also a better one!

Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity

This also marks the first time a Tsubasa opening theme song hasn't been sung by Kinya who performed the openings for both seasons of the anime as well as the movie.

Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity Tokyo Revelations: synchronicity

The visuals show several of the main magical symbols used throughout Tsubasa and Card Captor Sakura spinning at different angles and positions before a final shot of Fay Wang Reed's symbol that dissolves into blackness in a similar fashion to what happens to the other Syaoran's container when he frees himself.

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