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Season 2 Opening


After performing the first season's opening, Blaze and then the movie opening, Aerial, Kinya returns for a third Tsubasa opening theme for the second season called, IT'S.
Strange name isn't it? I think so too. While Blaze and Aerial both make poetic sense in the context of the series, IT'S makes no sense no matter how you think about it. This really is "Engrish" taken to the extreme where the only possible meaning I can think of (and it's a stretch!) is that IT'S is short for something like "This is it" or "It is here!" or something like that.
If you can think of a better interpretation for this random title, please let me know.

As the same performing artist returns, the studio seems to have kept a very similar style to the first season's opening with lots of fast edits and continual fight scenes throughout featuring the main characters. Certain themes have been added this time around though to offer a bit of complexity such as Saoran, Faye and Kurogane all fighting reflections of themeselves and Sakura running away with herself. It's a very interesting idea and works especially well with all three characters when thinking of Kurogane's tragic past, Faye trying to escape his and the evil Saoran.

Another idea added this time around is the numerous still shots of the characters in costumes from numerous worlds. It's a great idea though almost all of the costumes are rather ordinary and the character's poses uninspiring. The exception is the group shot with them all in Yukatas which I really like for some reason.

Mokona also gets more screentime this year with him appearing in a few of the group shots and by himself in two trippy shots (see the screencaps). Larg, the black Mokona as well as Yuko and Tomoyo have all been removed completely Most likely due to the three not having that big of a role in the story in the first place. The decision to remove them makes perfect sense.

The full and karaoke versions of Kinya's IT'S were both released as a single on the 24th of May. The single also included a full version of another of Kinya's songs (unrelated to Tsubasa Chronicle).

The shorter, tv version of IT'S was released as part of Future Soundscape III, the third incredible soundtrack to the Tsubasa Chronicle series.

Both cds are avaliable HERE on YesAsia while supplies last.

Overall I'd say this opening is a positive developement for the series. It shows the growth of the characters and the series as a whole with a more upbeat feeling and the inclusion of several visual cues such as Saoran's sword and Sakura doing more than eating an apple (now she runs and wears dresses!).

I'm curious to see what the third opening will be like next year to complete this trilogy.

-- Season 2 / Episode 27 -->

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