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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

Episode #7

Cracked Memory

I really love this episode. It's the begining of another major arc but is very well paced with a clear begining and an end and not just a random "To be continued" at the end. There is clear emotional resolution or at least clarification on the viewer's side. The music's great as usual and even features several pieces unique to this arc and unreleased on any cd (as of April 2006). The acting is the usual and the animation while a bit dodgy in some places as rather impressive in others (ala the wind attacks). Overall, this is one of the tightest episodes of season 1 of Tsubasa Chronicle and still stands up on repeat viewings.

The episode starts with a recap of the gang leaving the Hanshin Republic and Kurogane's motivational speaking to Syaoran. This is used for good effect when his words are echoed later in the episode but with the focus on the gang as a whole as well as their new friend, Chun Hyang.
Anyway, they arrive very suddenly in the new Korea inspired world of Koriyo which has been taken over by a magician and his son who have suddenly become very powerful. Syaoran quickly gets into a fight with the son while protecting Sakura from him but the fighting is quickly interupted by the arrival of a little tough girl called Chun Hyang who tells them to stop it.

Later they all decide to clean up the mess their arrival caused and we get some funny Mokona moments. At that same moment in the palace the Magicial has summoned his son to tell him that the sorce of his powers (which we can all tell is one of Sakura's feathers) gave off a strange wave a few seconds earlier. The son tells his father that strangers arrived only a few moments ago and they both draw the obvious conclusion that the two are linked.
Back at the market, Chun decides mistakes everyone for being Miteshu (i.e.people coming to save their town) and invites them all to her house ASAP.

They all talk for a bit and realise that they aren't who Chun thinks they are and that Mokona is Mokona. Suddenly a huge magical, well animated wind rips the house appart in an attempt to attack everyone. It's revealed to be the work of the evil magician who was trying to teach Chun a lesson for standing up to his son, but is suprised when he sees Syaoran and everyone else in her house.

The next day we see Kurogane fixing Chun's roof and Fay watching him work it. It's interesting to see these two talk together as they both are kind of tag alongs with Syaoran, Sakura and Mokona who have a very specific mission. They wonder about what they're doing and Kurogane is curious as to why Syaoran gets to hold Mokona all the time.

At the market, Syaoran, Sakura and Mokona are looking for one of the feathers but Mokona is having trouble detecting it as the whole town seems to be covered in mystical energies.

The happen upon a game of chance which Sakura wins against huge odds! It's possible that she may have used some hidden power that she possesses, though unconciously. The prize is some brand new Koriyo fashion! To relax after all the excitement they go to a little river outside town and talk a little. Chun mentions that Sakura must be "God's favourite daughter" because of her luck but Sakura can't remember if she is a lucky person as she doesn't have any memories of her past.

Suddenly they notice some black smoke on the horizon. The Others are coming for Claire's baby! ...or the villiage is under attack by the evil son. The hurry over there as fast as they can and command the son to stop, but he pulls out a magical fan that used to belong to Chun's mother and uses it to summon warriors that attack Syaoran. Chun flashes back to a beautiful scene involving her Mother who we learn was killed by the magician. I love this scene. It adds to much to a simple supporting character but also reinforces how evil the baddies are on this world to kill someone as kind as Chun's mother.

To stop the fight (which Syaoran is clearly winning), the magician summons a powerful wind which crushes Syaoran. The son the grabs Chun's mother's fan and thrusts it into the gale destroying it. Chun starts to cry while Sakura and Syaoran can do nothing but watch as the bad guys leave and Kurogane's advice fades in once more; "Don't look back. If you've got something you have to do, then only look forward."

My Original Impression

Saturday, May 21, 2005

This episode was interesting as Syaoran and the gang arrive in their second world. The main concepts of the series have been introduced so the story kicks of straight away and judging from the preview for Episode 8, I'm guessing this arc will only go for about 3, maybe 4 episodes! Great stuff. A much faster pace so far than the Hanshin arc which was starting to bore a LOT of people.

Something that really impressed me with this episode was the new music themes! Almost all the music was new for this world and those bits that were used from the Hanshin arc where given a slight twist to suit the new, ancient Korean world. i.e. some oriental strings added.

Animation was top notch, no wierd looking Mokona like last week, though Sakura is really annoying me now. It's like they're going for the "She's so quiet and worried... that means she's deep and cool!" but it's just pissing me off. I don't know why but the voice actress sure isn't helping.

No major deviations from the manga that I can remember. Didn't catch Miyuki, though will double check this evening.

Great episode.

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