Miyuki in Wonderland is a lighthearted CLAMP series which focuses on a Japanese schoolgirl, Miyuki who is contantly transported through several different means, into different worlds and more often than not is forced to defend herslef against sexual advances from female characters she encounters on her adventures.
The original manga series was first published in Newtype Magazine in Japan and followed Miyuki's adventures in seven worlds.
The first two, Miyuki in Wonderland and Miyuki in Mirrorland were parodies of Lewis Caroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Alice's Adventures Through the Lookingglass. Both of these featured numerous famous characters from the stories they were based on.
The remaining five worlds, TV Land, Part Time Job Land, Mahjong Land, Video Game Land and X Land were entirely original creations by CLAMP with the final one, X Land actually being set within the X/1999 animated movie!
An OAV (original animation video) was created which featured Miyuki's adventures in Wonderland and Mirrorland as well as a Drama CD.
While the series has long since finished, CLAMP has continued Miyuki's world hopping adventures first in the original CLAMP in Wonderland and then in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga by slipping her into the background of every world the gang visit. In the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle anime however, she has been restricted to appearing in only two worlds, The Hanshin Republic and Outou.